About Us 


Nice to meet you!

We’re Ben and Gemma, two experts in self-publishing, and we love to teach entrepreneurs, creatives and writers how to get their work out into the world following the self-publishing model.

We focus on writers who want to help others with their mission and message to do with business, entrepreneurship, mindset, health and well-being.

Gone are the days when people needed to get an agent and a publishing deal in order to publish a book. Self-publishing allows you to have creative control over your words, your ideas and your royalties.

Self-publishing CAN also act as a stepping stone to a more traditional publishing route too. Prove your book is popular by self-publishing and be in a better position to showcase your work to the big boys of publishing!

Ready to Get Started?

Let’s get you published!

If you already have a book that you’re sitting on and procrastinating on publishing, get in touch and let’s get you started.

From mini books to larger book series, whatever your book idea we can help you get it published. Fromm strategy to editing, creating a standout cover and organising a show stopping launch, we can help you realise a dream of becoming an author.

Get in Touch With Us

Want to publish a book but don’t know where to start? Send us a message